Nickname Spanky Spank
Favorite Toothpaste Colgate or Aquafresh. Not baking soda!!!
Family Wife = Heather Karen Nelson; Son = Timothy Scott Lee Nelson
Employment Hennepin County - Information Technology Specialist (a.k.a. Computer Programmer)
Birthday August 9th, 1974. (The day Nixon resigned)
Favorite Cereal They're always after me Lucky Charms!!!
Favorite Color Orange
Weight Would you believe 108?
Waist Line Let's just say, pretty big…
Shoe Size 10.5
IQ Level 3 before he goes to sleep; 103 while dreaming...
Hero Brak
Favorite Radio Show 80's Time-Machine, and Dr. Dimento
Favorite TV Show Star Trek (TNG & Voyager), Space Ghost, Batman (The Animated Series), Voltron, and the Monkees
Least Favorite TV Show Talk Shows, Info-mercials, and all these trashy sit-coms that are on right now…
Funniest thing I ever saw Chuck do a cannon-ball into the pool!!! Talk about water pressure...
Most-Favorite Song Ever "Testimony" - DC Talk
Favorite Video Game "Mike Tyson's Punch Out", "Mario 64", and "Bard's Tale".
Records I Play Most Dare To Be Stupid (Weird Al), Unseen Power (Petra), The Chosen Ones (PID), Supernatural (DC Talk), Justus (The Monkees), Abbey Road (The Beatles), Musical Bar-B-Que (Space Ghost)
Favorite Web Page FabDoggRecords web page - because they try to make it look just like ours! How fun!